Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Museum of The Confederacy

The thing about following a Civil War trail is that everywhere, there are distractions that can easily take you away from where you are heading. These diversions can sometimes be a waste of time, but can also lead you to something unexpected and very worthwhile.
It is always fascinating to think that at the spot you are now standing on, Robert E Lee and his Army were here in the not too distant past, and that such an incident took place in that field over there.

My destination for today was Appomattox Court House. And I did get there and boy was I pleased!
It was a stunningly beautiful day. I had made an early start as I reckoned there would be lots to see and take in. I had no idea just how packed this day would be, how much I would see and how many photos I would take.

So, after a number of short stops to read Historic Information Boards, I suddenly saw, a couple of miles from Appomattox, a signpost for The Museum Of The Confederacy.
Naturally, I drove in there.

The original Museum was founded in Richmond VA a few years after the End of the Civil War. It was founded to tell the story of the War and to preserve the documents, artifacts and history of the Confederate States of America.

There is link to be found at the bottom of this blog.

In Richmond there is also the Museum and White House of the Confederacy. The White House was the residence of Jefferson Davis and his family during the War. Robert E Lee was a frequent visitor, and Lincoln paid a visit after the end of the War.

The Richmond museums will be on my  radar should there be another USA visit. Need to do more supply teaching!

I enjoyed my visit to the Appomattox museum very much. It was quiet and I had time to wander and read and take in what was displayed there.

Robert E Lee's death mask.

Old Enemies meet

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