Monday 9 March 2015

Appomattox Court House

Appomattox was another of the places I wanted to visit. And so I was excited to be here. I suppose the first time I came to America I thought would be my last visit. 
But here I was on a third visit.

 The 2 previous visits had been significant. Travelling alone, driving in a strange country, on the wrong side of the road, and weather.

The first weekend of visit 1 found me in snow conditions. Earliest snow fall for that part of Pennsylvania.

First weekend of visit 2 found me preparing for Hurricane Sandy.

But this time, Visit 3, the problems seemed to have all been at the airport on arrival.

So here I was, having travelled the furthest South I had been, arriving at Appomattox on a blistering sunny late October day.

I was not disappointed. For about nearly 3 hours I wandered round the Park, reading, listening, absorbing the History, and taking photographs....hundreds of them.

Appomattox Court House is where the American Civil War finally came to an end with the surrender by Robert E Lee to Ulysses S Grant. The events are well documented and the fall out too.

I have posted links to these at the bottom of this short piece.

I am glad I got to this place. It has left me satisfied. I am not sure if I will be in a position to go back to America. If I did, I would have to think carefully about what I would want to see.

There would be nothing gained by revisiting the places I have already seen, except perhaps Harpers Ferry. I would include Richmond, and would want to travel even further south.;_ylt=A9mSs2u6y_1UYl4AY0dLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsYWhiN2NvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=chrc-comodo&va=appomattox+court+house

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