Thursday 29 October 2015

Brazil 2015 Part 4

On the Saturday, the main event was to be a Pontifical High Mass followed by a march through the streets to a rally at a Plaza.
We were asked not to take cameras into the Mass so I was an obedient chappie.
The Mass was dignified, lovely music and singing from the TFP choir.
The main celebrant was Bishop Schneider. The Mass lasted about 2 hours, which was difficult for the celebrants given the heat in the Cathedral. It was also being filmed.

Then we assembled outside where crowds were gathering as the TFP Pipe band in Scottish Dress were playing and about to lead off the march.

We marched through the streets attracting much attention but no trouble.
I was carrying the sign in Portuguese for Great Britain. Each country was represented by a sign.

It was not a sunny day but it was quite oppressively hot. At the Plaza there were some speeches and some more music before we disbanded and returned to our coaches.

We returned to the Hotel where we had a delicious lunch.

In the evening, we were taken to the Club Homs down town for a meeting.
We then returned to the Hotel for a reception where we had the chance to talk and drink Brazilian wine.

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