Sunday 25 October 2015

Brazil 2015 part 2

On Thursday morning I awoke about 5am local time....9 o'clock UK time. Sao Paolo is 4 hours behind UK time.
My hotel room was very comfortable. The hotel was very comfortable. After my ablutions it was down to breakfast.
The choice was huge. All sorts of bread and pastries....not for me...eggs, bacon, fried cheese and the like....just a little......continental breakfast....not for me....and a huge selection of fresh fruit and yoghurt....LOTS FOR ME!!! Choice of not recommend cashew nut juice....and coffee, though getting milk for it was tricky. They like coffee black here.

At 9 am there was a fascinating talk by Mr Nelson Fragelli on the Papacy. After a coffee break we had a talk on the early life of Professor Olievera.

After lunch, we headed off into Sao Paolo to visit a Church and a Religious Museum.
The Church was typical of those we saw in Sao Paolo.
The museum contained the collection of an Archbishop of items from Churches and Convents and Monasteries.

All in all an interesting day. It is always quite something to drive through the city to see the different areas. Rich and Poor. Totally different from home. And everywhere, the street people, a growing problem in Sao Paolo.
The weather was hot and humid. Air conditioning is a necessity.
Back at the Hotel, I skipped Mass as I was in need of some respite.
Dinner in the hotel was delicious.

some views of hotel, streets and museum.

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