Tuesday 27 October 2015

Brazil 2015 Part 3

On the Friday morning after breakfast we boarded the bus to go to large shop which sells items made of semi precious stones. It covers 2 large floors and a huge range of items from the small to the enormous.
It was the only opportunity for buying presents that we had in the busy schedule.
We spent about 90 minutes there before re boarding the coach.
The coach took us to the Sao Paolo Jockey club where there was going to be a gala dinner for the men, while the ladies returned to the Hotel for lunch and well earned afternoon off.

Champagne and Brazilian nibbles were served before dinner while we waited the arrival of all those invited, including Prince Bertrand, Prince Louise and Duke Paul, and numerous clergy.
After  group photo, we retired to the 2 dining rooms for dinner and after dinner speeches.

Then we returned to the hotel for about 5pm. A break from the activities and the heat was most welcome in my air conditioned room.

In the evening, we walked a few blocks to a Pizza restaurant, where we were served a  variety of tasty  pizza and some glasses of deliciously cool beer.

Then a leisurely stroll back to he hotel about 9.30pm, and the chance of discussions or an early night.
Another busy and very warm sunny day.

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