Tuesday, 1 November 2011

TFP Conference 2011

I am afraid I am going to upset some people with this blog. It is not my intention. I truly do not intend any offence. I have things I need to say, but I lack the eloquence and the uintellect to do so well. Please if you are offended, read it a couple of times and try to understand what I am trying to say.

This Conference was the prime reason for my first visit to the USA. I am so glad I came.

Over the weekend we had a series of talks covering a range of issues affecting the World and the Catholic Church. The talks also made we aware of just how passive Catholics and Christians in general, have become in the face of a concerted attack on everything that Christian Civilisation holds dear.

Where to start? Consider......ahundred years or so ago, only the Government of Soviet Russia espoused abortion, contraception, divorce,free love and so on.

Today? Can you name a country where such practices are not legal? Isn't that numbing?

In the space of a hundred years, many things which were regarded as being good for the well being of family life and Society have been swept aside.

And what have we done to prevent it? Have we protested? Written to our MP? Written to the Press? Complained about pornography on TV, Films, and books?

I remember the late Bishop in Glasgow, Charles Renfrew, discussing how corrupted we were becoming, by asking an audience of Catholic Parents what it would take before they would get up and turn off a TV programme?

Have we taken to the streets to make our feelings known?

Sadly, too many of us have become passive. An excuse? Jesus told us not to strike back but to offer our other cheek?

The Revolution is sweeping us aside, and we are offering no resistance, because we are too diffident, too busy, too afraid. Let someone else do it...not me Lord! We do not want to become targets of the Revolution.

We should not be surprised. Jesus said, " If they hated me, they will hate you. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you."

Unless we find the courage to stand up, everything we believe in will be destroyed.

The Abortion Act got through because of in-action. Same sex marriage...an oxymoron....euthanasia are next. If we do not stand up to be counted, these will become law.

What next? Can no one see the road we are hurtling down? The reformation seeks the destruction of family, of morality, of decency, all in the name of rights. "It is my right to do whatever I choose to make me happy as long as I don't hurt anyone else."

At the conference, we had a High Mass, with a sermon which must have lasted 40 minutes. A powerful, thought provoking sermon.

This evening I attended Mass in York Pa. It was a Franciscan Church. The Church was impressive, but the Tabernacle has been moved away from the centre of Church. I could not actually see it from where I was in the Church.

The congregation were quiet and respectful. No one talked before, during or after Mass. Oh for that in Scotland!

Father said the Mass with dignity. He made excellent points in his sermon, telling us to look beyond the statues-the images of the saints- to find the real people behind that image. The saints who struggled, who had doubts, who failed at times.

But with every respect to Father, it was gentle, sometimes jocular delivery. It did not challenge us to do something!

We need more. We need to be challenged. We need to be sent out ready to defend our Faith and our Church, no matter the cost. That is not easy. But God and Our Lady will give us the courage we need.

Look on U tube. Find the videos of the younf TFP members facing up to hostile groups as they seek to defend Catholic Truth and Virtue. They are scared! But they do it because they know someone has to do it.

We need to be prepared to take that risk. We need to be out there protesting and being noticed!

Right now in Scotland we are faced with a Scottish Nationalist Government who are seeking to re-define the meaning of Marriage, and allow so called same sex marriage.

Read Scripture. God made them male and female.

I am not homo-phobic. Those who oppose same sex marriages are not homo-phobic.

There is no homosexual gene.

Homosexuality is an inclination. We all have inclinations. Some of us are inclined to drink too much. Others have an inclination to steal. Yet others to kill. Some are inclined to seek sex with children.

But we do not introduce legislation to allow such individuals to carry out their inclinations. Why not? Because it would not make sense.

And yet we propose to pass legislation to allow those with a homo-sexual inclination have their

relationships given equal status with what has been accepted legally as Marriage for thousands of years.

How long before a paedophile organisation will begin to campaign for their inclination to be legalised in the same was as homosexual couples?

Catholics must protest against this proposed legislation. We have to tell our MSPs that this is not acceptable. Tell them why. And tell them your conscience will not allow you to vote at an election for any person who supports any legislation which is contrary to the Laws of God.

In one of the U tube videos,a masked youth screams..."God is Dead! He didn't die for my sins, but His!"

And the next piece of legislation waiting still off stage is Euthansia.

If Chrisians do not stand up now and say "Enough is Enough!", then there is little to stop the Revolution ach,ving its aims. The total destruction of moral standards, the destruction of the Family, and the breakdown of Civilised Society.

The time is now. If we delay, it will be too late. There is an awful lot at stake.

What are you going to do about it?

And one day, we will have to Stand before a Loving God, but one who is also Just, and we will have to answer for all our deeds and non deeds.

pics from Conference

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