Monday 10 August 2015

To Shetland

On Tuesday 28th July, we headed to Insch near Aberdeen. We were going to spend a night there at the home of the mother of our son's wife.
We meandered along the road.
We stopped for a bite to eat and then in a forest where I got out to take photographs of a pre- historic stone circle.
Well, I wish the builders had better sign posted it, or even had built it beside the car park.  The notice said 1 mile. I walked 2, on the basis it might be on the next bend....or just at the top of the rise there. So no photographs, but one of an owl in the distance.
We spent a pleasant night in Insch in a beautiful house. We had dinner, a glass of wine and lots of conversation.
John and Jordanna arrived just before dinner.

Next morning we left for the ferry at Aberdeen. Johanna's mum was going to be flying up early on Thursday morning. We would be sailing at 7pm, but it is a 12 hour crossing, so the flyer  would arrive before us.

We boarded the ferry at 5.30pm. The car safely on the car deck, we went up to our cabin.
The cabin included free access to the Magnus Lounge, where coffee, tea, soft drinks, shortbread and nibbles were freely available. It has a some tables to where we sat down for a meal as the ship left Aberdeen. we got into open sea, the swell began. and after an hour or so we decided that it would be more comfortable lying down in our cabin, which had a window.
I am assured that this was a smooth crossing. But that is a meaning of smooth with which I am unfamiliar.
the return sailing is another story for another day.

Next morning, the ship docked at Lerwick, a brisk sunny day. The rule is cars must be removed on arrival. But you can park beside the terminal go back on board where a complimentary continental breakfast is available for cabin holders.
You can remain on board till 9.30am. By 10 o'clock we were at the granny's for tea before we began sight seeing.

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