Sunday 19 July 2015

Glasgow by Night

Next to the place where I live, the Burgh of Clydebank, is the City Of Glasgow.Once upon a time the second City of the United Kingdom in terms of population.

The city began near where today stands the High Street and Glasgow Cathedral. The patron saint of Glasgow is St. Mungo, also known as Kentigern. He is buried in the under crypt of the Cathedral. He features on the City's Coat of Arms.

Glasgow has undergone much change, and the old Glasgow is long gone, but can be found in history books and in photographs.
Today Glasgow is a vibrant place of business and Culture. There are many interesting place to visit. Museums, Galleries, Historic houses and many parks. The old name of Glaschu means "dear green place"

By night it can be spectacular too.
Here are some of my photographs taken by the River Clyde in the heart of the city.

1 comment:

  1. I love how old these photos are - back when O2 Academy was Carling Academy. I think that was the night you picked me and Laura McCafferty up from seeing Good Charlotte.
