Sunday 24 May 2015

Torpichen Priory

Torpichen is a small village in West Lothian, not far from Linlithgow.
At the centre of the town are the substantial remains of what was the Scottish headquarters of The Hospillaters, or Knights of St. John.

The Order was formally recognised by the Pope in 1113. Their estates in the West were administered locally by Priors.
Torpichen was established King David I of Scotland, son of King Malcolm and St. Margaret of Scotland.
The Order was suppressed after the Reformation, but re-established by Queen Victoria.

On Saturday, I attended Mass within the Priory. Historic Scotland have been giving permission for Masses within a number of its properties. 2 weeks ago we had Mass at Cambuskenneth Abbey, and in June we will have Mass in the ruins of Crossraguel Abbey.

Mass was said in the Extraordinary form, and also present were 4 members of the Knights of Malta.
It was an uplifting event for all who were in attendance.


  1. This is really a wonderful post.

  2. Thank you It's great. It was a special day, tinged later with the sadness of the death of the caretaker that afternoon.
