Monday, 20 December 2010

Winter's Cauld Blast!

And so the cold goes on. Today the highest temperature when we were out and about was -2C at Helensburgh. Away from there, it dropped back to -5C.

Tonight we were out at a Penitential service at St Patrick's. Despite it being -7C, there were about 40 brave souls who came out.

Once again, the weather is causing chaos. Thousands of folk all around the world have had their holiday plans ruined. The main English airports are closed. No one is going anywhere. And because the aircraft are stuck at the gates, incoming flights cannot land as there is nowhere to park and allow passengers to disembark.
I wonder if there is a lessong in all of this for today's world of easy come, easy go?

In the past, there were winters like this. And before modern homes and electricity and central heating people endured such hard winters with no anger, just acceptance that it was Nature's way.
Today, with central heating, television, restaurants, we seem so easily upset when our plans are thwarted by Nature.
Many of us have become accustomed to having our own way, nomatter what happens.

This cold spell is showing us that despite our sophisticated life styles, there comes a time when there is nothing we can do but wait, with patience and resignation, till the storm has passed.
Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to sit back and consider the true meaning of Christmas, and not the commercialised event it has become.

Tonight, I am warm and safe at home,with my wife and the 2 of my children who still live with us. Do I need any more?
And hopefully on Christmas, we will spend a happy and holy day after Mass, with visits fom the rest of our children. And some of them will have dinner with us and some champagne.
I am celebrating just being alive. My doctor told me on Monday, that "it was a close call."

I have just phoned Damien. He is on his way to Newcastle, where his company has an office. He was supposed to leave from Glasgow, but the train was cancelled. He had to take a taxi to Edinburgh. The train there left an hour late and he should be in Newcastle at midnight.
Let's pray he gets home in time for Christmas

Photos were taken in the garden during a brief thaw.

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