Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Pope PiusXII and the Jews

There was an article in the Daily Telegraph today suggesting that Pope Pius may have saved hundreds of thousands of Jews.
But this was already known by anyone who seeks the Truth.
Sadly, today the Church has many enemies who have no interest in the Truth. They seek only to destroy the Church. And the upcoming visit of Pope Benedict has become a catalyst in their attacks.
A wonderful article entitled, " A Righteous Gentile: Pope Pius and the Jews" by Rabbi David Dalin Ph.D can be found on the internet at

It is too long to quote here, but everyone should read this article. It says everything and should still the clamouring voices. But will it?
I doubt that very much. The enemies of the Church scent blood after the recent scandals within the Church, and they will not give up so easily. The Truth will not get in their way.
Please find the article above, read it, then spread the message to all your friends.
The time is now for all Catholics to stand and defend Holy Mother Church. Don't turn away and leave it to someone else. Your Church needs you now!!!

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