Tuesday, 19 January 2010


I'm still out teaching, and back tomorrow too. It seems the Authority are unable to fill the temporary vacancies. Suits me. It means I will enjoy my week away next week even more!
Nice class today. Well behaved, keen to learn and work, and keen to do well. We had a busy, full, entertaining day.
It turned a bit colder today, back down to 0c, but it's not exprected to come to much.
My wife's birthday today.
The boys sent flowers, I got some too for her. She got a lot od cards and stuff from her friends on the craft web site.
We went out for a meal when I came home from school.
Altogether a satisfactory day.

Photo are from Toronto. We went for a 6 hour walk through Humber Park. I think the wander lust is on me agin, for the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

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