Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Holy Family Apostolate

This Apostolate is made up of Catholic families who share a common and strong belief in authentic Catholic tradition. Members are of all ages and from every part of the UK.
It was they who organised the retreat at Sancta Maria Abbey at Nunraw.

It is nice to be surrounded by like minded people. There are no divisions, no petty arguments about who does what. Everyone joined in all the ativities and in the day to day cleaning and organising.
It was a wonderful atmosphere.

Many of the parents in this group have opted for Home Schooling. As a Catholic teacher, I have no problem with this. There are many unsatisfactory aspects of schooling, even in Catholic Schools.
The number of practising catholics in many schools is dwindling, and the religious knowledge of many teachers is lacking. This is a result of their own experiences during their formative years, and the chaos that came out of the Second Vatican Council due to abuses by individual priests, bishops and Cardinals.
So these parents take the only remedy available to them. They teach their own children in a way that does not offend their consciences.

These are more photos fom Nunraw.

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