Yesterday was the First Sunday of Advent, and marks the beginning of the Church's New Year.
The word"Advent" means coming, or expected arrival. And of course we are thinking of the birth of the Baby Jesus.
Already, all around us are the signs of Christmas. The commercial signs that is. Lights, decorations, advertisements, TV shows and so on.
Last week, a book I had ordered on Amazon was delivered. It had come from Kansas, and wrapped around the book was a section from The Kansas City Star Magazine.
Naturally I had aread of it. And one article really caught my eye. It was titled, "Reflecting on the True meaning of Christmas."
And the opening line was something else. The writer, Debbie Dusenberry had written;
"I am confused. When did it become wrong to say, Merry Christmas? Why has the fear of offending someone become foremost in our standard holiday greeting? I, for one, will not be saying Happy Holiday!"
And that just sums it up. Christmas has been hi -jacked by political correctness. The essence of a Christian feast has been deemed innapropriate for fear we offend non Christians.
And why is this so one sided. As a Catholic Christian, I am not offended by Yon Kippur Celebrations, or by Diwali celebrations. I notice no attempt to play these celebrations down for fear of offending Christians.
And I note that I am unaware of any followers of other Religions expressing unhappiness at the Christmas Celebrations.
So why has it become wrong?
I notice that various cities have been switching on the Christmas Lights, and many are making a major event of it with German Markets, French Markets, open air ice rinks, carnivals and so on. There is a lot of money to be made out of these events. But notice the names..."Winterval" "Winterfest"
The whole essence of this time of the year is Christmas. We are celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, born to save us, born to die on the cross for our sins.
It is my understanding that some shops, including a well known charity shop chain, has banned any Christian symbols for fear of causing offence, but they are happily selling their own "Christian Symbol Christmas Cards"!
Let's end this nonsense now, before it goes any further, before someone uses "Civil Liberties" to force through laws outlawing Christian Celebrations because their sensibilities have been offended.