It has been interesting to read the newspaper coverage of the Pope's visit, and to to have watched the special TV programmes.
I watched the coverage on Sky News, and I thought it very good.
The public response has been as many of us had predicted. Countless complaints about wasting taxpayers money. Of course it was a State Visit. The Pope was invited. The State picks up the bill. And funnily...catholics pay taxes too. And my taxes pay for visits of people whose views I do not share, and for policing demonstrations whose aims I do not share.
I don't remember this fuss when Ceausecu came here for a state visit.
And then there were the polls showing how many catholics did not agree with the Church's teaching on contraception, or abortion, or homosexuality. And how many catholics disobey these teachings.
Well, if you join a club or an association, you have to agree to keep the rules of that body. If you don't, you will have to leave.
Same for the Church. It has rules. Commandments.
We are not a pick-and-mix Church. You must be guided by your conscience in all things, but a properly formed conscience. You have to consider carefully everything the Church teaches in matters of faith and morality. You cannot decide to ignore those teaching which cause you difficulties or which do not fit into your life style, or which are inconvenient.
The Truths which the Catholic Church teaches have been taught since the beginning of the Church. They will not be changed to adapt to modern life. What is wrong is wrong. If 90 out of a 100 people say it is OK to shove your granny off a bus....well that does not make that action a good one or a correct one.
And of course, Pope Benedict pointed out in his speeches, that today in Britain, people are being forced to act against their consciences. The force of Law leading to the closure of Catholic Adoption Agencies because they could not in conscience allow same sex couples to adopt children is just one example.
I find it hard to understand how Tony Blair could lead a Government that made such Laws, and then become a Catholic! (And I know that he was receiving Holy Communion before he converted.)
And it is on record that he and his wife do not agree with the Church in its teachings on morals, and would wish the teachings to be changed. And yet this couple are portrayed as leading Catholics. Things like that I find scandolous. Like Catholic MP's voting for abortion and the Church does not speak out against them.
Sadly, there has sometimes been the impression that in the Church,there are one set of rules for the rich and famous, and one for the mere mortals.
The Church is made up of human beings. And none of us are perfect. Not even the Pope. So I suppose I should not be surprised when there are such inconstencies.
I should heed the Gospel, and instead of worrying about the splinter in my brother's eye, I should concentrate on the plank in mine. I'll shush now.
More pics from Beallahouston.